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How to Use Witch Hazel for Your Skin

Witch hazel is a versatile addition to your skincare routine. While it's easy to use the natural astringent as-is on a cotton ball, blending it with other ingredients allows you to create a range of customized skincare products that suit your skin type perfectly. Use these simple tips to get healthy, glowing skin with simple, natural ingredients.

Cleansing and Toning

Witch hazel is a pore-tightening toner and a natural cleanser that can be applied directly to your skin with a cotton ball. For the best astringent and toning benefits, let your skin dry naturally after applying witch hazel. Using witch hazel as-is provides you with a simple option for most daily skincare needs.

For instance, you can use a cotton ball or facial pad dampened with witch hazel to remove makeup, heal dry skin and eliminate excess oil. Just dab the desired areas lightly to apply the witch hazel and let your skin dry naturally for more balanced skin.

If you have sensitive skin, witch hazel is an excellent occasional replacement for your normal cleanser. You can rinse your face after cleansing it with witch hazel, or you can let your face air dry to tone your skin. Witch hazel is also a natural option to heal acne and reduce the occurrence of breakouts.

Naturally Clear Skin

Witch hazel is a safer alternative to commercial acne treatments, and you can boost its blemish-busting power by adding 10 to 15 drops of tea tree essential oil to three ounces of witch hazel. Apply a small amount of the mixture to blemishes with a facial pad, cotton ball, or cotton swab. This mixture is safe to use on your face but is also suitable for treating acne in other areas, such as your back.

Try storing the mixture in your refrigerator to soothe the irritation and redness that commonly accompanies blemishes. You can substitute the tea tree oil for lavender essential oil if you prefer a milder, sweeter scent, but avoid using undiluted essential oils on your skin. If you are looking for a simpler, more affordable anti-aging product, witch hazel is the solution you need for younger-looking, healthier skin.

Age-Fighting Antioxidant Blends

Witch hazel's toning properties make it the perfect base for anti-aging products. To make a gentle anti-aging toner to replace commercial vitamin C serum, add a teaspoon of powdered vitamin C to a half-cup of witch hazel. To give the anti-aging toner soothing properties, try adding a teaspoon of aloe vera to the mixture.

You can also purchase witch hazel that is already blended aloe vera to easily create your own wrinkle-fighting, skin-soothing blend. The skin-soothing properties of aloe and witch hazel are perfect for treating skin irritations, but skip the vitamin C in favor of more aloe when creating a skin-soothing blend.

Soothing Irritation and Sunburn

You can make your own treatment for sunburn and minor skin irritations with witch hazel and aloe vera. To cool and soothe sunburns, mix two parts witch hazel with one part aloe vera into a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well before each use, and spray sunburned skin with the mixture as often as needed. You can store the spray bottle in the refrigerator to make the sunburn treatment more soothing.

Witch hazel provides nearly instant relief from skin irritation caused by poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Try pouring witch hazel directly onto the rash to reduce symptoms like swelling, itching, and redness, and repeat the treatment twice a day until the rash is gone.

Managing Chronic Conditions

To manage the symptoms of eczema or psoriasis, apply witch hazel directly to the affected areas twice daily. To treat the symptoms of eczema, combine one part neem oil and seven parts witch hazel, and apply the mixture twice daily for symptom relief. A blend of equal parts glycerin, aloe vera, and witch hazel is ideal for managing the dry, flaky skin that is associated with psoriasis.

Apply the mixture to the affected areas twice a day, or use the mixture more often if your symptoms are bothersome. Witch hazel has a variety of properties that keep your skin looking healthy, and a natural toner is an inexpensive option that can replace nearly any item in your skincare routine.

Yours in health and wellness,

PS. If you would like to learn more about managing chronic skin conditions with natural medicine join my 14-day Liver Reset program [here]

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